Can I Wear a Retainer With a Fake Tooth?
If you have ever looked into the mirror, smiled, and wondered how you could deal with the gap left by a missing tooth during orthodontic treatment, you are not the only one. In fact, “Can I get a retainer if I have missing teeth?” is a common question...
Can I Get Retainers Instead of Braces?
If you face oral health issues that only braces can solve, you’re not alone. Over 4 million Americans wear braces at any point in time, and almost 50% need orthodontic treatment to correct functional dental issues. Although braces treatment may be appealing to...
What are the Results of Not Wearing Your Retainer?
Ahh, your braces are finally off! You can now reap the benefits of the long months of wearing braces and attending regular orthodontic visits. Finally, the perfect smile you always wanted is yours! However, while we dislike being the bearers of bad news, your...
What Types of Removable Retainers Do We Use at Loudoun Orthodontics?
You’ve reached a milestone: as of today, you no longer need braces! For months, maybe years, your braces have gradually coaxed your teeth into new positions that give you a healthier mouth and a lovely smile. Now you and your orthodontist want to ensure that...